Quick Update – March 2014

Well, it’s been ages since the last update, so I figured I should pop in to let you know of some exciting things coming soon. Hard to believe it’s been 1 full year since the EA Montreal studio closed. Time flies when you’re having fun I guess!

While there is still no game to announce or even discuss at this point in time, things are progressing well on other fronts, including several updates and changes planned for the website in the very near future. Here are a few of the things you can expect to see shortly:

  • Disqus comments system. I noticed that there have been zero comments from anyone since I launched the website, so I will be updating things to the popular and user friendly Disqus comments system. I realize the traffic on the website is minimal at the moment, but this will hopefully help provide a foundation to support future growth and allow for better user feedback and conversations moving forward.
  • The website will be undergoing some potential aesthetic changes as well. Most likely a simple color palette change to brighten things up a bit, but possibly more. I’ll see how I feel about it when I get there.
  • Most importantly, I’m working on a texture tool for Photoshop that I intend to launch through Adobe Exchange and this website very soon. The tool should be highly useful to anyone who deals with textures for games or 3D assets in general. There will be a ‘lite’ version of the tool for free, and a full featured version as well (price TBD). Once the tool is ready, the website will be updated to provide plenty of information about it.
  • Beyond the texture tool, the next focus will be on a simple Unity 3D tool that anyone working on 3D should find extremely useful.

While the goal of the company is to develop video games, I am focusing on tools development in the short-term for a variety of reasons:

  1. To provide myself and other game developers (especially indies), with some simple, affordable, and powerful tools to help increase productivity while hopefully gaining some exposure for my own company.
  2. To gain experience with programming and going through the complete process of ‘shipping’ a product. So far, the experience has been very rewarding and I am definitely learning many things that will assist me with creating and distributing an actual game.
  3. To help provide a small amount of supplementary income for my own game development venture. I’m trying to be realistic here, but I’m hopeful that it will provide at least enough income to cover the tool’s development costs. I’m living off my savings at the moment, so there is a tough road ahead. Any additional income will help me extend things before money runs out, and hopefully allow me to create a quality product that people can enjoy.