Quick Update – New Logo

It’s been quite a while since my last post, so I thought I’d give a quick update. Things are progressing well, and while there won’t be any game announcements from me for a while, I am currently in the process of creating some new content for the website to share.

Firstly, the logo has been updated! The old version’s font was a little too whimsical and difficult to read in my opinion, but I’d be interested in hearing your own feedback and thoughts in the comments below.

I am also working on a post where I will be sharing some knowledge and tips about the texture creation process. Specifically, I will be discussing the importance of creating and using a texture guide when developing a game. Look for that to go up sometime next week.

Last but not least, I recently did an interview with Night Dive Studios (publisher of Wizardry 8 on Steam). I will post the interview in its entirety here in the very near future, but for now, you can check out some snippets from the interview on their Facebook page.

Please follow me on Twitter to stay informed on future site updates, or check back from time to time.